Show Yourself – Edition III

SHOW YOURSELF- Polish construction products on the international arena- 3rd edition
The project is implemented under the Intelligent Development Operational Program 2014- 2020, under priority axis 2 Support for environment and potential of enterprises to conduct R&D&I activity, activity 2.3 Pro-innovative services for enterprises sub-measure

2.3.3 Internationalization of National Key Clusters, application number POIR.02.03.03-20-0004/18.

PROJECT OBJECTIVE: The project relates to the internationalization of the offer of the Eastern Construction Cluster with the statute of KKK, and its main objective is to increase the internationalization of 32 (including 30 SMEs) enterprises operating within the National Key Cluster until 31.08.2022. The goal will be realized through the implementation of an integrated tailored to the needs of companies comprehensive internationalization program implemented by the Coordinator for the benefit of NCC members. The goal is planned to be achieved through the implementation of the following activities:

  1. Consulting services, in the area of preparing companies to enter foreign markets by providing them with an optimized offer;
  2. Services in the area of presentation of the Cluster’s offer on key foreign markets (EU and others), through comprehensive support for the participation of enterprises in foreign fairs and missions;
  3. Promotion of the Cluster among potential contractors, through the preparation and distribution of Cluster catalogs, promotion in the trade fair media, on the Internet and organization of conferences;
  4. Strengthening cooperation between KKK companies by animating new joint projects including R&D, concluding and strengthening lasting business contacts that will translate into tangible financial benefits for KKK companies;
  5. Development of KKK by attracting new companies that will strengthen the value chain of the Eastern Construction Cluster.


Polski Klaster Budowlany

As part of the results of the implemented activities, we expect:

  • introduction to foreign markets/internationalization of at least 32 KKK companies in the period from 01.09.2019. to 31.08.2022r;
  • Strengthen the knowledge and potential of KKK member companies in internationalization through the implementation of consulting services, conferences, meetings with experts in the field of internationalization;
  • strengthening the competitiveness of the KKK’s offer in international markets through their active participation in foreign fairs and missions;
  • strengthening intra-cluster cooperation by animating new joint projects, including R&D,concluding and strengthening permanent trade contacts, which will translate into tangible financial benefits for KKK companies;
  • development of the cluster through the acquisition of new companies that will strengthen the value chain; Active activity of the cluster as well as the Coordinator promotes the strengthening of the position of the Eastern Construction Cluster, which is undoubtedly manifested by further joint initiatives of cluster members including those often based on innovations in the broad sense.


total expenditure: 9,846,000.00 PLN
eligible expenditure: 9.846.000,00 PLN
co-financing: 6.822.290,00 PLN
All companies interested in cooperation and international expansion are welcome !!!